
Exporters of medicine herbs must register before selling to Chinese market

Exporters of medicine herbs must register before selling to Chinese market

The Plant Protection Department asked local administrations to notify enterprises that medicinal herbs export to the Chinese market must register according to the form and standards set by the Chinese government.

Nguồn: sggpnews.org.vn

This is a move after the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) requested the country’s agencies to review the supervision of imported medicinal herbs. At the same time, it is required that exporting countries have to register for enterprises producing, processing and preserving medicinal herbs to export to the Chinese market.

Mr. Ngo Xuan Nam, Deputy Director of the Office of Notification and National Inquiry Point on Sanitation, Epidemiology and Quarantine (SPS Vietnam Office), said that the Plant Protection Department has sent an official dispatch to provincial departments of agriculture and rural development which will direct local responsible agencies to review and instruct exporting companies to complete dossiers on growing areas and herbal packaging establishments in their localities as preparation for export registration to the Chinese market.

According to Mr. Nam, in order not to interrupt the export of medicinal herbs to the Chinese market, local authorities need to receive documents and simultaneously carry out an evaluation of files of the growing areas and packing establishments which will be sent to the Plant Protection Department before April 15, 2023.

It is known that the groups of medicinal herbs exported to China that will have to apply for registration include anise, areca, red beans, cardamom, ginger, black sesame, turmeric, longan, dried chili, lotus, lingzhi, and agarwood.

Source: sggpnews.org.vn